Accessories for vacuum drying oven 6000

Toote variatsioonid

DescriptionCatalog numberPKKogus 
Weekly program timer, digital7.025 0861.00
Viton door gasket for VT6130 M/P9.883 4051.00
Chamber, round corners, 1.4571 VT6060P9.883 4171.00
Digital pressure display with recorder output 0-1 V9.883 4021.00
24 Hour Timer, 20h at 60Hz9.867 4051.00
Viton door gasket for VT6060 M/P9.883 4041.00
Chamber, round corners, 1.4571 VT6130P9.883 4191.00
Rated temperature 400ºC for VT6060P9.883 4211.00
Digital load temperature monitoring, VT9.883 4061.00
Chamber, round corners, 1.4571 VT6060M9.883 4161.00
Rated temperature 400ºC for VT6130P9.883 4221.00
Digital pressure control with magnetic valve + recorder output 0-1 V9.883 4031.00
Temperatur controller Thermicon P (only for M-models)9.867 4031.00
Interface RS232 for VT with temperatur controller Kelvitron T7.076 4561.00
Chamber, PTFE-coated VT 6130 M4.010 0661.00
Weekly program timer, mechanical7.024 9841.00
Temperature controller Eurotherm 2404/P4 with RS422/4854.010 0531.00
Digicon with analogue interface 300C VT6060P/61307.025 1131.00
Temperatur controller Thermicon P with RS232 for B 60307.025 1201.00
Digicon with analogue interface 400C, 6130P7.025 1151.00
Daily program timer, mechanical, crystal controlled7.025 1191.00
Temperatur controller Eurotherm 2404/P4 with RS232 (only for M-models)7.510 1571.00
Temperatur controller Thermicon P with RS485. for B 6060, 6120, 62007.025 1211.00
Digicon with analogue interface 400C, 6060P7.025 1141.00
Digicon with analogue interface 200C VT6060M/61307.025 1121.00
Temperatur controller Thermicon P for B 6420, 67607.025 1221.00
Alarm Monitoring Connection9.883 4141.00
Chamber, round corners, 1.4571 VT6130M9.883 4181.00