Hollow Cathode Lamps, 51 mm (2”) diameter, for Perkin Elmer® AAS

These hollow cathode lamps are produced to provide direct use without adapters in all Perkin Elmer® AAS instruments. All windows on these lamps are fully fused and contain no “gassy” adhesives which would drastically reduce shelf life. Totally hermetic glass seals ensure a clean fill gas and cathode for the life of the lamp and most importantly a shelf life longer than 5 years.
The information provided with every lamp, giving the precise running current for each instrument type, removes the ambiguity that exists when using this type of lamp.

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Elementprimary wave lengthalternative wave lengthWindow materialCatalog numberPKKogus 
Sb217.6206.8 to 217.9Q9.309 3251.00
As193.7189.0 to 197.2Q9.309 3261.00
Al308.2 to 309.3396.2B9.309 3241.00
Ba553.5455.4 to 493.4B9.309 3271.00
Cd228.8326.1Q9.309 3311.00
Cr357.9425.4 to 427.5B9.309 3351.00
Bi223.1222.8 to 227.7Q9.309 3291.00
Ag328.1338.3B9.309 3741.00
K766.5404.4 to 769.9B9.309 3641.00
Li670.8323.3B9.309 3521.00
Mo313.3320.9Q9.309 3571.00
Si251.6250.7 to 251.4Q9.309 3731.00
Cu324.8-B9.309 3371.00
Au242.8267.6Q9.309 3441.00
Fe248.3248.8 to 372.0Q9.309 3491.00
Na589.0330.2 to 589.6B9.309 3751.00
Ni232.0231.1 to 341.5Q9.309 3591.00
Zr360.1468.7 to 354.8B9.309 3911.00
V318.5306.6 to 318.4Q9.309 3871.00
Pb283.3217.0 to 261.4Q9.309 3511.00
Mg285.2202.5Q9.309 3541.00
Ge265.2271.0Q9.309 3431.00
P213.6-Q9.309 3971.00
Mn279.5279.8 to 280.1Q9.309 3551.00
Co240.7304.4Q9.309 3361.00
Pt265.9264.7 to 299.8Q9.309 3631.00
Sr480.7407.8B9.309 3761.00
Rb780.0794.8B9.309 3681.00
Hg253.7-Q9.309 3561.00
Zn213.9307.6Q9.309 3901.00
Tl276.7258.0Q9.309 3801.00
Se196.0204.0Q9.309 3721.00
Ca422.7-B9.309 3321.00
Sn235.5224.6 to 266.1Q9.309 3831.00
Ti364.3365.4 to 339.0B9.309 3841.00
B249.8208.9Q9.309 3301.00