Control seals for sampling close-it

White/plain or coloured with labelling field . close-ithas a sandwich-type structure (aluminium/ paper) and seals the container hermetically (vapour barrier). The rear of the label is coated with a powerful adhesive. This means that close-it sticks firmly to most commercial containers, even to surfaces coated with fine powder, slightly moist or even frozen surfaces where conventional labels or adhesive tape will not stick.

close-it food & pharma ensures aswell the necessary success when resealing sample openings, as it reliably prevents products from escaping after sampling. The adhesive complies with the European guidelines for foodstuffs and FDA guidelines. Just like the original, close-it food & pharma has a barrier layer of aluminium foil, which makes the close-it food & pharma perfectly suited to sampling foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food additives, even frozen goods – any applications in which the product must not be contaminated by contact with the adhesive.

Toote variatsioonid

Catalog numberPKColourImprintLengthTypeWidthDimensions (WxL)Kogus 
9.303 912500.00YellowPrinted95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 910500.00RedPrinted95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
6.228 255500.00RedPrinted95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 911500.00GreenPrinted95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 913500.00BluePrinted95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 981250.00GreenPrinted150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 984250.00BlackPrinted150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 996500.00YellowPrinted95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 980250.00RedPrinted150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 990250.00RedPrinted150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 985250.00WhitePlain150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 914500.00BlackPrinted95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 998500.00GreenPrinted95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 991250.00WhitePlain150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.304 001250.00BluePrinted150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 986500.00WhitePlain95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 983250.00BluePrinted150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 915500.00WhitePlain95 mmclose-it95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.304 003250.00BlackPrinted150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.304 000250.00YellowPrinted150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 997500.00BluePrinted95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm
9.303 982250.00YellowPrinted150 mmclose-it Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.304 002250.00GreenPrinted150 mmclose-it food & pharma Maxi150 mm150 x 150 mm
9.303 999500.00BlackPrinted95 mmclose-it food & pharma95 mm95 x 95 mm