Graduated pipettes, Soda-lime glass, class B, amber stain graduation, type 3

EX (TD) calibrated. Tolerances better than class B requirements. With durable amber stain graduation, short line, graduated to tip, zero on top, type 3, acc. to DIN EN ISO 835. From 5ml with cotton plug end as standard.

Toote variatsioonid

<th class='Colour
graduation sortable asc'>Colour
graduation<th class='With cotton
plug end sortable asc'>With cotton
plug end<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>Yes<td data-title='Colour
graduation'>Brown<td data-title='With cotton
plug end'>No
Accuracy classDivisionLengthMaterialNominal capacityCatalog numberStandardTolerancePKKogus 
B0.05 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass5 ml9.272 371DIN EN ISO 8350,045 ± ml1.00
B0.01 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass2 ml9.272 376-0,015 ± ml1.00
B0.01 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass0.5 ml9.272 366DIN EN ISO 8350,0075 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass10 ml9.272 373DIN EN ISO 8350,075 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass2 ml9.272 370DIN EN ISO 8350,015 ± ml1.00
B0.02 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass2 ml9.272 369DIN EN ISO 8350,015 ± ml1.00
B0.2 ml450 mmSoda-lime glass50 ml9.272 377-0,3 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass5 ml9.272 372DIN EN ISO 8350,045 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml450 mmSoda-lime glass25 ml9.272 375DIN EN ISO 8350,15 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass1 ml9.272 368DIN EN ISO 8350,01 ± ml1.00
B0.1 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass20 ml9.272 374DIN EN ISO 8350,15 ± ml1.00
B0.01 ml360 mmSoda-lime glass1 ml9.272 367DIN EN ISO 8350,01 ± ml1.00