Liquid nitrogen pressure vessels AC, with auto pressure building

  • With auto pressure building

Toote variatsioonid

<th class='Material
container sortable asc'>Material
container<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel<td data-title='Material
container'>Stainless steel
ØStatic evaporation rateHeightNominal capacityCatalog numberSpecimen storageTypeWeightWith ADR approvalPKKogus 
660 mm1.4 %/24h1535 mm240 l4.680 218NoAC 240PB146 kgNo1.00
508 mm3.5 %/24h1080 mm70 l4.680 212NoAC 70PB73 kgNo1.00
660 mm1.4 %/24h1535 mm240 l4.680 229NoAC 240PB146 kgYes1.00
508 mm2.4 %/24h1430 mm120 l4.680 213NoAC 120PB105 kgNo1.00
508 mm3.5 %/24h1080 mm70 l4.680 223NoAC 70PB73 kgYes1.00
508 mm2.4 %/24h1430 mm120 l4.680 224NoAC 120PB105 kgYes1.00