Swiss Boy laboratory jacks, anodised aluminium.

Anodised aluminium. Corrosion proof, stable and easily adjustable. Upper and lower end positions are adjustable. At reaching the setting, the laboratory support stops automatically. In various colours as outlined below.

Toote variatsioonid

<th class='Type of
coating sortable asc'>Type of
coating<td data-title='Type of
coating'>Anodised<td data-title='Type of
coating'>Anodised<td data-title='Type of
coating'>Anodised<td data-title='Type of
coating'>Anodised<td data-title='Type of
coating'>Anodised<td data-title='Type of
PKColourDepthMaterialWidthCatalog numberKogus 
1.00Light blue180 mmAluminium216 mm9.117 116
1.00Pink120 mmAluminium140 mm9.117 110
1.00Green50 mmAluminium40 mm9.117 100
1.00Grey240 mmAluminium320 mm9.117 118
1.00Gold122 mmAluminium150 mm9.117 115
1.00Blue80 mmAluminium75 mm9.117 105