Näitan 5501–5550 tulemust 13612-st
Heating bath liquid, BUDDE
Heating block set for digital dry bath LLG-uniBLOCKTHERM
Heating Blocks for Deep well plate thermoshaker TS-DW
Heating blocks for digital dry bath LLG-uniBLOCKTHERM
Heating blocks for Thermo shaker LLG-uniTHERMIX 1 and 2
Heating blocks for Thermo shaker LLG-uniTHERMIX 1 and 2 pro
Heating circulator bath DYNEO™ DD-BC
Heating circulator bath DYNEO™ DD-BC.A, with analogue interface
Heating circulator bath DYNEO™ DD-BC.D, with RS232 interface
Heating circulator MAGIO MS/MX
Heating circulators
Heating Circulators Accessories
Heating circulators with stainless steel baths
Heating mantles Electrothermal® MHM-200
Heating plate RC 2, individually controllable heating plates
Heating plate REC 10 Digital
Heating plate REC 7
Heating tapes series KM-HT-201
Heating Tapes Series KM-HT-202
Heating tapes, fibre glass, KM-HT-G series
HeatingThermoMixer MHR 13
HeatingThermoMixer MHR 23 / MHL 23
Heavy load rack for BINDER chambers and incubators, stainless steel
Heavy-duty benches
Heavy-duty vacuum bottles, PP, with screw cap, PP
Height adapter for liquid handling stations
Helimatic® Rinse, neutral
HEPA filter replacement for cytostatic safety cabinets CytoFAST
Herbie tubing clamps
Hexagonal hollow stopper DURAN®, flat
Hexagonal hollow stopper DURAN®, pointed
HI-LED lighting modules for Gel documentation systems chemiPRO
Hiflow vacuum aspirator system with pump
High accuracy thermohygrometer testo 635
High Density Cell Factory™ Systems
High Energy Ball Mill Emax
High performance ammonia gas sensing ISE Electrodes
High Performance condensers Findenser™
High performance crimping tool, electronic
High performance freezers TSX, up to -35 °C, with 2 solid doors
High performance freezers TSX, up to -35 °C, with solid door
High power crimp station, electronic
High power crimp station, electronic, with two exchangeable jaw sets
High precision PDF data logger EBI 310
High precision PDF data logger EBI 310 TE, with external temperature sensor TPX 220
High precision PDF data logger EBI 310 TH
High precision PDF data logger EBI 310 TX, with temperature dual adapter TPX 310
High precision thermometer PHYSICS 1000