Näitan 5601–5650 tulemust 13612-st
High-Speed Mini-Centrifuge Gusto™
High-Tech cleaning cloths
High-temperate system ROTATEMP
High-temperature cap liner, silicone
High-temperature chamber furnaces with air circulation NA / NAT
High-temperature chamber furnaces with SiC rod heating LHTC/LHTCT 03/14 – 08/16 series
High-temperature circulators Forte HT
High-temperature circulators Forte HT-C.U., with cooling unit
High-temperature Tube Furnaces RHTH/RHTV series
Highlighter edding 24 EcoLine
Highlighter edding 24 EcoLine, set of 4 assorted
Highly dynamic temperature control systems PRESTO™, air-cooled
Highly dynamic temperature control systems PRESTO™, water-cooled
Hinge for telescope rod
Hinge glass brushes
Hinged grey replacement screen for Eyeshield GoogleGear™ 6000
Histofluid mounting medium
Histological staining solutions
Histology cassettes, POM
Histology Freeze Plate HPLAT-30
Holder for Absorption Cells
Holder for Cells for Fluorescence Measurement
Holder for liquid ends
Holder for Microliter pipette Tacta
Holder for sedimentation funnel
Holder for slides for automated live cell imaging system Celloger®
Holder for Waste Sacks
Holder for well plate for automated live cell imaging system Celloger®
Holders for Bead GenieTM
Holders for capillaries and tubing, ABS
Holders for culture flasks for automated live cell imaging system Celloger®
Holders for Mini Vortex Mixers
Holders for multiple hotplate systems behrotest®
Holders for Petri dishes for automated live cell imaging system Celloger®
Holders, stainless steel for Aspirator FTA-2i
Holding Frame for a Test Plate for shaking trays
Holding frame for Ultrasonic homogenisers SONOPULS
Hollow stoppers
Hollow stoppers, hexagonal plate, borosilicate glass 3.3
Hollow stoppers, hexagonal plate, glass
Hollow stoppers, hexagonal plate, pointed bottom, borosilicate glass 3.3
Homogeniser drive unit, schuett homgenplus
Homogeniser HT Lysing HOHTDG
Homogeniser T 10 basic ULTRA-TURRAX®
Homogeniser T 18 brushless digital ULTRA-TURRAX®
Homogeniser T 18 digital ULTRA-TURRAX®
Homogeniser T 18 digital ULTRA-TURRAX® Package
Homogeniser T 18 mini digital ULTRA-TURRAX®
Homogeniser T 25 digital ULTRA-TURRAX®