Näitan 11001–11050 tulemust 13696-st
Shelves for Desiccators Star
Shelves for ultra-low temperature freezers UF V
Shelving for unstirred water baths
Shore hardness testers, analogue, HB
Shore hardness testers, digital, HD
Short Distilling Apparatus
Short period timer CUBE TIMER, black
Short period timer CUBE TIMER, blue
Short period timer CUBE TIMER, green
Short period timer CUBE TIMER, red
Short period timer CUBE TIMER, white
Short period timer Multi-Timer
Short period timer Timer II
Short period timer Triple Time XL
Short thread vials ND9, wide opening, micro vials
Shut off modules for local vacuum network VACUU LAN®
Shut-off/control modules for local vacuum network VACUU LAN®
Side cutting pliers
Side glass for chemical laboratory fume cupboards ChemFAST Elite
Sieve cleaning module SRH 4/200
Sieve filter for barrel funnels
Sieves for Dry Mill POLYMIX® PX-MFC 90 D
Sieves for Microfine grinder MF 10 basic
Sieving aids
Signal lamps for level control
Signalbox T5
SIL G unmodified standard silica layers for TLC, glass plates/ POLYGRAM®
Silencer for Vacuum Pumps LABOPORT® / N 920 G
Silgur unmodified standard silica layers with concentrating zone
Silica adsorbents for low pressure column chromatography
Silicone Bottle holder
Silicone cap wads/septa, VMQ
Silicone lid DURAN®
Silicone lid DURAN® sets
Silicone lid DURAN®
Silicone lid DURAN® sets
Silicone oil freeing agent M Korasilon®
Silicone oil, ISOLIER 72
Silicone protective cover for Magnetic stirrers Hei-PLATE
Silicone rubber seals, with PTFE washers, silicone rubber (VMQ)
Silicone rubber stoppers
Silicone sealing rings, VMQ
Silicone stoppers
Silicone stoppers, with one hole
Silicone stoppers, with single hole
Silicone stoppers, with two holes
Silylation kit
Silylation reagents – BSTFA, SILYL-991