Näitan 11351–11400 tulemust 13538-st
Standard buffer solutions
Standard ground joint stoppers, PP
Standard heating mantles series KM-G
Standard heating mantles series KM-GF
Standard heating mantles series KM-GH
Standard Insulated box, Styrofoam
Standard Kjeldahl block digestion systems K 8, K 12 and K 20
Standard Kjeldahl block digestion systems K 8, K 12 and K 20
Standard PDF data dogger EBI 300
Standard PDF data logger EBI 300 TE, with external temperature sensor TPC 300
Standard PDF data logger EBI 300 TH
Standard platform
Standard reaction tubes, 3810 X, PP
Standard Rectangular Cells
Standard rectangular fluorometer cells
Standard separating chamber
Standard slide IQ/OQ package for automated cell counter FACSCOPE® B
Standard Solutions, CSB
Standards and storing solutions for ammonia ISE electrodes
Standards for density, kinematic and dynamic viscosity
Standards for Flame photometers
Standing cylinder, DURAN®, rim flanged and surface-ground
Standing cylinder, DURAN®, rim roughly ground
Stands for Extraction Thimbles
Stands for Homogenisers POLYTRON®
Stands for Imhoff cones, PMMA
Stands for single channel pipettes Transferpettor
Stands for VELP overhead stirrers and homogenisers
Starter kit FACSCOPE®
Static electricity removing mats
Static Electricity Removing Mats, PVC
Steam baths Hydro
Steam distillation unit D1 and D2
Steam Distillation Unit S
Steam Indicator Strips
Steam steriliser Laboklav 25
Steam steriliser LABOKLAV 55 – 195
Steam sterilizers (autoclaves), HG series
Steam sterilizers (autoclaves), HV series
Steam sterilizers Laboklav 80
Steel Bottle Cart KKR-832/01 and KKR 820/1
Steel sleeves and adapters for fixed angle rotor F-35-48-17
Steel sleeves for fixed angle rotor F-35-30-17
Stellisept® med wash lotion
Stepladders with treads and padded front edges
Stereo microscope heads SMZ-160 series
Stereo microscope heads SMZ-171 series
Stereo microscope set OZL 963