Näitan 12951–13000 tulemust 13612-st
USB hand-held microscope ODC 893
USB hand-held microscope ODC 895
USB Handheld microscope Dino-lite EdgePLUS AM8117MZT
USB Handheld microscope Dino-lite EdgePLUS AM8517MZT
USB Handheld microscope Dino-lite EdgePLUS AM8917MZT
USB Hub for Bioreactors RTS-1 / RTS-1C
USB hub for Liquid Handling Stations
USB keyboard
USB keyboard
USB power supply unit
USB power supply unit for USB charger WLM-Charger
USB thermal printer
USB thermal printer
USB-C cable
Utensil and test sieve holder for Sonorex ultrasonic baths
Utility Carriers Nalgene™
UV analysis lamp
UV blocking shield for Gel documentation systems chemiPRO and gelPRO
UV blocking shield for Gel documentation systems chemiPRO and gelPRO
UV Cleaner-Recirculator
UV Crosslinker CL-508
UV cuvette UVette®, individually packed
UV cuvette UVette®, routine pack
UV cuvette UVette®, starter kit
UV irradiation system BIO-LINK
UV lamp for product protection workbench SmartFAST
UV Lamp for TLC
UV lamps
UV lamps for microbiological safety cabinets SafeFAST Light
UV lamps for safety cabinets SafeFAST Premium and CytoFAST
UV Lamps for Ultra Clear Water Systems Elga
UV Light option for MSC-Advantage™ Microbiological Safety Cabinets Class II
UV options for HERAsafe® microbiological safety cabinets
UV plastic cuvettes, macro
UV plastic cuvettes, semi-micro
UV replacement lamps for water purification systems Barnstead™
UV sterilisation cabinets
UV transilluminators
UV/PCR cabinets UVT-B-AR / UVT-S-AR / UVC/T-M-AR
V96 MicroWell™ Plates, PS
Vacutainer® disposable holder
Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™ Blood Collection Set
Vacutainer® Tubes
Vacuum Adapter GL, PTFE
Vacuum Adapter NS, PTFE
Vacuum concentrator Savant™ SPD120 SpeedVac™ kit
Vacuum concentrator Savant™ SPD130 SpeedVac™ kit
Vacuum concentrator, Concentrator plus™, with integrated membrane vacuum pump
Vacuum concentrator, Concentrator plus™, with integrated membrane vacuum pump and port for external devices