Näitan 51–100 tulemust 13612-st
96 well PCR plates FrameStar®
96 well plates Immobilize™ Amino, PS
96 Well Polystyrene Microplates, non-binding
96 Well Polystyrene Microplates, PS
96 Well Streptavidin-coated Microplates
96 well UV Microplates
96-tube racks, for use with robots
96-well dialyser QuikPrep® DispoDialyzer
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates, for cell-based assays
96-Well Optical-Bottom plates, with CC2™ surface
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted
96-well PCR plates, PP, non-skirted, with elevated well rim
96-well PCR plates, PP, raised half frame
96-well PCR plates, PP, semi-skirted
96-well PCR plates, PP, semi-skirted, for Roche® LightCycler® 480
96-well PCR plates, PP, semi-skirted, with elevated well rim
96-well PCR plates, PP, skirted
96-Well PCR Rack, PP
96-Well PCR Rack, PP
96-Well PCR® Rack, Low-Temp
96-well plate Nunclon™ Sphera™
96-well plate Nunc™ Edge 2.0, with flat bottom, PS
96-well plate Nunc™ Edge 2.0, with flat bottom, PS, with hydrophilic surface Nunclon™ Delta
96/384 well plates Immobilizer™ Streptavidin, PS
A/D converter box YKV
Abbe refractometer AR2008
Abbe refractometer AR4
Abbe Refractometer Model RMT
Abbe refractometers, NAR-1T series / NAR-2T
Absorbance test plate for microplate spectrophotometer INNO
Absorbent Towels, KIMTECH* 7505
Absorbent, oil and chemical binder FastSorb 4.0
Absorption Vessel
Access port with silicone plug for CO2 incubators CB series
Access ports for constant climate chambers KBF PRO
Accessoires for Acura® electro microliter pipettes
Accessoires for Eye-Wash Bottle, Barikos
Accessoires for LLG-Filtering apparatus
Accessoires for Muffle furnaces, M110-series
Accessoires for Refractometers, hand-held
Accessories and Consumables for Barnstead™ Easypure™ RoDi
Accessories and replacement parts for EC columns
Accessories box for D.O. Sensors TriOxmatic®
Accessories Chemically-resistant Diaphragm Dosing Pumps SIMDOS®
Accessories CHROMABOND® QuEchERS
Accessories Data and electronics for Photometer PrimeLab 2.0
Accessories Dosing Pumps LIQUIPORT® / SIMDOS®
Accessories EASYCAL™